Sunday, November 7, 2010

Momism: Technology, Say Whaaaaaaaaaaa?

I have not been posting very often because school hates me. BUT, this was far too wonderful to not share with the world:

Mindel: You know the movie "Wall Street" that was just in the theaters that I really wanted to see?
Me: Yeah. What about it?
Mindel: Well, I want to see the first one. What was it called?
Me: "Wall Street."
Mindel: No, the original one???
Me: It was called "Wall Street."
Mindel: Oh. Well, how come I cannot find it in any video store???
Me: It's an old movie mom. It was made in the late 80's or early 90's, so you can't look where the new releases are.
Mindel (completely serious): IT'S THAT OLD? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? They made movies back then???  That was a long time ago?!
Me: Ummm, pretty sure you were born almost 30 years before that movie was made and didn't they make movies when you were a kid?
Mindel: Yeah, I guess...but I still think that was a long time ago...I duh-no...

I should probably be worried but this is FAR TOO FUNNY.

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