For me, concerts are a form of instant gratification. The way the loud music fills your ears and the beat magically lifts your feet, your arms, and every other body part that is able to move in the tiny space you are allotted.
Last night I went to see the Avett Brothers. I was recently introduced to their music by one of their long-time fans. He's borderline obsessed with them. Every car ride is a ride with Avett. I enjoyed my infrequent and short encounters with their music. The words are simple and easy to follow, but the meaning is beautiful and deep. So, I was excited when the extreme Avett fan asked if I would like to go to their upcoming concert with him. I wouldn't know any of the words, but I would attempt to familiarize myself with their music by plugging them into Pandora. Technology win.
We arrived at the small venue. A huge grin spread across his face. I feed off of other peoples excitement, so this was an immediate rush of adrenaline. We grabbed our PBR's and positioned ourselves in the center of the room. Close enough for my hobbit height and far enough to not get trampled.
First, the opening act. They were amazing. Upbeat, sweaty, and passionate. A beautiful compilation of blue grass, alternative, and country. I was being pulled in. So effortlessly too. Like a drug, without the horrible headache that follows. Opening acts tend to make me nervous because they can make or break the mood. You may go in excited to see the main act, but the intro could be horrible and leave a bitter taste in your mouth. This opening left me wanting more. Truth & Salvage Co., find them and listen.
Time for the main event. At this point I had to pee so bad. Probably the worst I have ever had to pee since that trip to Disneyland when I was 8. But I refused. I was not moving. I was too pumped at this point to break my concentration with a trip to the loo. And then, there they were. Taking the stage in record time and breaking into a melodious fervor immediately. The crowd began to sway almost instantly; hands in the air and heads cocking forward as they screamed the words to the song. No, I did not know the words to the songs. Did I still sing? Yes. The lyrics were somewhat predictable, which made it easy to follow and display my white girl moves (tapping the foot and shaking the head). Like their opening act, Avett displayed the same intense passion for their music. Sweat dripping into their contorted mouths as they sang. The emotion they intended their music to provoke was easily grasped and displayed by the audience. The slow songs made us sway and exchange shy smiles with our partner, while the fast songs made us clap and yell the lyrics with our partner.
I couldn't have asked for a better concert experience. I left the venue sweaty, smiling, and excited to purchase my first Avett/Truth & Salvage CD. Oh, and in case you were wondering, I did make it to the bathroom. Praise the lord.
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