During the week long vacation my law school thinks is enough to repress the the puke inducing memories of studying and reading a silly document called "The Constitution," I took a little trip to New York. And, no, I am not going to reference that stupid Jay-Z song, while telling you about my trip.
After living in San Diego for two years and having a mom that looks like she has J-Lo's bronzing crew, I have developed quite a complex regarding my "no darker than an uncooked chicken" skintone. I mean, you know it's bad when a guy who is trying to hit on you says "Damn, girl! You Vampire white." Damn, boy! You are never going to see a vagina. Anyway, it was refreshing to go to a city where my pale is NORMAL.

No Snooki bronzer here. Just my all natural pale + my "look I just had a stroke" smile.
Since I was only in the city of 30 Rock and Gossip Girl for 3 days, I had to get my priorities straight when it came to what I wanted to see and do. Empire State building or 30 Rock building (aka Rockafeller Center)?

30 ROCK BUILDING. DUH! That's me on the zillionth floor of the building. You probably didn't notice the word "boobs" on my chest, but in case you did: I really love this picture but my boobs looked like they could have bitch slapped Dolly Parton's boobs back to an A-Cup. Hence, I took the liberty of censoring and subtitling. You're welcome.
Obviously, the only reason I went to Rockafeller Center was in hopes of running into my bestie Tina Fey. I mean, when you approach most of life's problems wondering WWTFD (What Would Tina Fey Do?), it's pretty much written in the stars that you'll randomly run into TF.

Yeah. That's Tina in the same spot where I was posing. She said "Hi" to me and now we're on a first name basis. She's probably going to read my blog. Not to brag or anything. FINE! It was just my imagination, Smokey Robinson. But, someday. Someday, she'll be making that face when she's thinking "WWLRD." Word.
I am kind of tired of writing, but I will leave you with this:
I met a man in NY. He introduced me to his pigeons, so it's kinda official. I did have to fight that old broad for him but it was worth it. He feeds me birdseed.