Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy Jew Year!

Being Jewish is awesome. Why? Well, I love playing into stereotypes.

Stereotype 1: Jew's are "penny pinchers."

I am not stingy. I enjoy the occasional heads-up penny, lying on the ground, begging for some action. BUT, when it comes to enjoying my money (loans) rather than saving my money (loans), I prefer going for broke. Fortunately, I can use my Jewstus (Status as a Jew, and yes, I will be creating numersous words out of Jew throughout this blog. Holla.) to get me out of any financial predicament I do not want to be in.

Friend: Lauren, let's go out to the bars tonight!
Me (need to do hw but don't want to sound nerdy): Oooooh. Sorry. I'm Jewish. I need to save my money.

Stereotype 2: Jew's could guilt trip a nun if they wanted to.

Okay, this is not a stereotype. Jew's are over-qualified guilt trippers. I feel guilty about 99% of the actions I have taken in life because of guilt tripping. Don't feel bad. My mom tells me she is proud of me and that she loves me everyday but what would a compliment be without a little guilt?

Mom: I am so proud of you, Lauren. You have accomplished so much.
Me: Thank you, mommy. I was in the library for 5 hours today. I am going to go out tonight with friends...
Mom: Lauren! Really? You have so much money in loans and you are going to go spend it on alcohol. I worked so hard to make sure you got a decent education...

See how she flipped that around? I was the one with the stressful day and now she's the one who is stressed. The worst part of this "gift" is that you are not born with it; you acquire the skill over time...probably from the relentless nagging of your mother. I do know one thing, though. Once I have this whole guilt tripping thing down, the judge doesn't have a chance in hell.

There are other stereotypes, but I am in the library and I am just imagining Mindel's opinion of blogging during working hours. She doesn't even need to be here to guilt trip. So, HAPPY JEW YEAR!


  1. You 'aint seen nothin', if you've not experienced Korean criticism. Seriously. It's an art - the Korean backhanded compliment. i.e. Oh you'd be so pretty if you weren't so damn fat.

  2. Hahahahaha! Uh oh. Could you imagine a Korean-Jewish family. Poor children.
