I hate stereotypes. I really do. But sometimes we have stereotypes for a reason and that reason is to help me decipher when a man is going to be a tool. Men that wear Ed Hardy fit perfectly into that mold. They are a walking Urban Dictionary definition: Ed Hardy - One who wears shirts with sequined tigers on it and thinks he is God's gift to sexy.
It might seem like I am complaining about Ed Hardy. Like I blaming him for all that is wrong with men. I am not. I would like to dedicate this blog to all that is Ed Hardy and THANK him for his gracious service to women all over the world. We are now able to skip the BS and we will no longer sit and wonder "Is he a nice guy?" or "Is he a douchebag?". Now, we can just look at the studded shirt and KNOW the answer to the questions that plague women during the dating phase.
So, here's to Ed Hardy. Thank you for making my life that much easier.
We should probably also thank the makers of Affliction, tanning salons, overly gelled hair, and WAY too much cologne.