Sunday, March 21, 2010

Studying is Killing Me, So I'm Making a List

Finals are rapidly approaching, rapidly meaning in one month, and I have the itch. The itch to do something other than study, such as plan. I love planning things because it gives me something to look forward to. I mean, spur of the moment is exciting, but it provides ZERO incentive to not gauge my eyes out. So, instead of sitting in the library thinking "I would rather be sitting on a beehive," I can think "In only one month I get to _______ ." Hence, here is my summer to do list:

  1. Go camping memorial day weekend
  2. Learn how to Salsa without looking incredibly white
  3. Go to NY and be a complete and utter tourist
  4. Use my wonderful Canon and take some freakn pictures
  5. Go vegan for a week
  6. Cook something new every two weeks
  7. Throw an awesome themed party
  8. Go to a Hockey game
  9. Eat something I would never ever try if it weren't for my present library boredom
  10. Go to as many baseball games possible
  11. Read 5 magazines outside of my comfort zone
  12. Go to a strip club
  13. Become a certified Scuba diver
  14. Go to the roller derby
  15. See a movie in 3D
  16. Make a family style dinner for friends
  17. Sky dive
  18. Go on a mini-roadtrip BY MYSELF
  19. Become a Carney for a day and fly on a trapeze
  20. Do not binge eat one thing. NOT ONE.
  21. Go to a Play


  1. 20. Have a spontaneous adventure.

    21. Hang out with Jamie. A lot. ;)

    22. Fall in love. <--- Maybe. haha (maybe that should be number 20a. Seems a bit risky now that I think about it.

    23. Not think about law school.

  2. 20. Yes!
    21. SCORE!
    22. This should be 21(a) bc I will be falling in love with you. Awkward? No way.
    23. Deal.
