Saturday, June 26, 2010
Hot Damn!

New Music, Puh-lease?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Lance Armstrong Tried to Kill Me

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Gavin De-LOVE

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Don't write me off and call me crazy because I am talking to a sport. You all know what my sassy conversation with basketball is all about. Think about it. If all the sports in the world got together for brunch. Yeah. I said brunch. Sports don't do dinner, they do TWO meals in one. BRUNCH. [White girl gang sign] So. Now. All the sports in the world are sitting together, eating bagels and shmear and talking about Golf behind its back. YOU KNOW basketball is the douchebag of the group. Mmmmmhmmmm. I said it. Basketball is the douche.
Soccer is the prude. Baseball is the wise mom. Football is the brain dead dad. And basketball. Well, basketball is the Jersey Shore, fist pumping, Ed Hardy wearing tool. Basketball is the guy in the club, who wears gold chains and tries to butt-hump random girls.
Okay, okay. I am just taking all my anger out on basketball for stealing my wise mama's glory. Basketball is all up in baseball's business for half the year. Mama can back her own thang up.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
My Family's So Cool, They Make Chuck Norris Look Lame

We are possibly the most embarrassing bunch of kids to be around but that is the best part. The brisket(meat) of my family is a spit ball fight in a restaurant, Uncle Ben offending someone, Aunt Sara telling a funny story about growing up in Canadian Harlem, or Aunt Carmela doing the chicken dance (you think you know, but you have no idea until you see it).
Then, there's my mom. Mindel deserves a whole blog post, but I will leave you with this little sample platter (Microwavable, of course). My mom is a beauty freak. Yes, she's gorgeous, but I am not referring to that. I am referring to the fact that at every single family function she is doing something that should be done in a salon and not at a Hanuka dinner party. Glue-on nails. Check. Wax legs. Check. Can I getta M.C. Hammer dance? Hammer time.
Next, we have my cousins. No. Not my cousins. To me, they are my sisters and brother from another, blood related, mother. They are my sanity and insanity all rolled in one. Like a Jelly donut. Ewww. I don't like donuts. Like a Pb&J sandwich. Mmmmmm. Samantha, Jessica, Ashlee and Jimmy. Here are the basics:
- Jessica thinks she is a vampire. Oh, are you confused? Jessica LITERALLY thinks she is a vampire. I remember this one time we were walking and she was hoping a vampire would jump out of the bushes and turn her. Jessica then changed her mind because she thought her features would remain the same FOREVER, and she did not want to be a vampire with short hair. Wannabe vampire gots to get her priorities in line.
- Samantha is my eyebrow twin and she bites. She just bites randomly. She was also OBSESSED with David Boreanaz and Drew Lachey. That's right. Angel and the poor man's Nick Lachey. She had a whole notebook with a marble cover DEDICATED to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I am laughing so hard right now.
- Ashlee is the baby sister. Always the artistic one who loved the weirdest crap ever. Muffy bears, porcelain dolls, furbies, and that God awful Tickle-Me-Elmo. But above all of her crazy toys, Ashlee loved her Binky. Binky? Her pacifier. That child sucked on that thing until she was 7 and after that she would have to tap her lip to fall asleep. Word.
- Jimmy. Notice how all the other names are female. Yep. Poor little Jimmy. He got his nails painted, was forced to play Barbie, and was then excluded from playing Barbie. Barbie was always found with her head missing when he was excluded. Can you say Henry VIII? My favorite was when we would play Pretty Pretty Princess. That kid would ALWAYS win. He was always the Princess. I'm still jealous.
Friday, June 11, 2010
My Wallet Has Money Diarrhea Every Time I Enter Target

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I’m Not on a Boat, I’m on a Date!

So, after much debate, I agreed to a date because, who knows, he might be great. I am practically Busta Rhymes with these crazy flows. Wick-a, Wick-a, whaaaaa. My flow skillz being beside the point, this time around, questionably gay Taylor went for a more gender-neutral option. No yoga and fro-yo. Tacos and douche bags for two, please.
We were supposed to meet at 6:45, which gave me ample time to go home and change. Instead, I sat on my couch and refused to remove the outfit that made me look like a lesbian office assistant. I don’t know. I just really wanted to show up to a trashy taco bar in my work suit. I’ll raise you one lesbian prude for TWO tacos? FINE! I’ll change! I stomped to my closet, which is presently my floor, and picked the least wrinkled pair of jeans and sweater. Now, I looked like a beat up version of Natalie Portman. You know? As if she was punched multiple times in the face. Whatevs. I can deal. Also, Rachel gave the outfit a shrug. Two thumbs up!!!
Of course, I arrived 5 minutes EARLY. So, there I was standing awkwardly in between a guy wearing a shirt with more rhinestones on it than an Elton John suit and a group of girls, ALL wearing white dresses, with their hoo-ha’s near exposure. I mean, whenever it’s 50° outside, I think “what dress is most likely to show my vagina?” Britney Spears jealousy, for reals.
Taylor finally arrived at 7pm. Late. Ummm, I could have been sitting on my couch watching Wheel of Fortune, buddy. My time is precious…based on the novel Push by Sapphire. I let it slide nonetheless because I had sufficient entertainment surrounding me.
Now, when I first saw him I thought “Hmmm. Well, he’s cuter/taller and less goofy looking than I remember.” I guess alcohol can skew your perception. WHO KNEW?! He came up to me with a big smile and apologized for his tardiness. That was nice. At least he acknowledged his faux pas. We started a little awkward banter, which I love. Banter is the way to my cheesy heart. Mmmm, cheese. I digress. So, as we were talking, there was something about him. He just reminded me of someone, but I could not put my stubby little finger on it. We began the typical first date convo, "what kind of music do you like" “what do you do for fun” “have you ever slept with a hooker...” Typical.
Well, good thing I asked him that last question because his answer started like this “WELL, do I have an interesting story regarding that one…” Wait. What? You have an interesting story pertaining to my hooker question. Of course, you do. Because this just wouldn’t be my life if a guy didn’t call me an ice queen or have an interesting story about him and a hooker on our first date. BAM! It hit me like a ton of bricks. I KNOW WHO HE REMINDS ME OF!!!
Lochlyn Munro!!! Oh. You don’t know who that is? This very typical name, Lochlyn, does not ring a bell? Well, he is the questionably homosexual, goofy looking guy from White Chicks, Freddy vs. Jason, A Guy Thing, etc. Oh. You haven’t seen those award winners? WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW ME?
Yes, he looks like Lochlyn (best name evaaaaaaaaaaa) and for the rest of the evening that’s all I could think about. Why am I the most annoying person on the planet? Since this is getting kinda long, to sum up the date:
- Taylor did not sleep with a hooker. His wallet was almost stolen by a hooker AND her chain smoking pimp almost beat the Lochlyn out of his face
- At some point during the date I began to wonder how he would react to me throwing a taco at his face. I don't think that's love.
- He was an awesome and fun guy that I would love to hang out with, but no spark. But, hey, I made a new friend that I can eat tacos and do yoga with. Wow. New low.
Lesson In Love: Just because you are not interested in him as a boyfriend, does not mean you cannot make him a new friend. Less stress and STD'S. Woot woot.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Why You Gotta Be Sittin In Front of Me, Yo?

Thursday, June 3, 2010
I Wish I Could Punch Nature
After our delicious Starbucks coffee, we embarked on the first day’s adventure. Notice the life in my voice? That’s because at this point in the trip, I still had life in my soul. The first day was a 12 mile hike and it honestly was not that bad. I promise I am not on drugs. The trail was mostly downhill and our Off Bug Spray bitch slapped every mosquito that attempted to gnaw at our soul. Take that, wannabe vampires.
When we finally arrived at our camp-sight, we built a cute little fire pit out of rocks and ate our delicious PIZZA. Say what? Bet you didn’t think you could make pizza in the wilderness. Well you can. We did. Brush of the shoulders.
Day 2. This was supposed to be our 6 mile day. The easier day. WRONG. Day 2 was the day mother nature found us and decided she hated us. Then bitch slapped us. Then kicked us until we bled. Let the battle begin.
First, the trail was as wide as I was [Insert fat joke here]. Now, if you think you would enjoy balancing on a sidewalk curb that was hanging off the edge of a cliff, while wearing a 30lb backpack, then this would be fun for you (you, also, most likely have something mentally wrong with you and I would see a professional for it). If not, well then, you would hate your life at this point. I am not a ballerina. I don’t do balance. I cannot even walk well on a regular sidewalk. WHY MUST YOU PLAY SUCH CRUEL JOKES ON ME, LIFE?
Even worse, this trail was ALL uphill. Poor nauseated Danielle and gassy William playing his gastro-intestinal trombone. (P.S. we were eating a zillion grams of fiber a day. We were like an Activia commercial. Take that Bifulus-Regularis.) Now, I know I am Jewish and my people walked through the desert…blah, blah, blah. But, this was absolutely ridiculous. Even Moses would have had to take some breathers and a Matzah break.
We finally stopped for lunch at a lovely little campsite, where we met the most perfect couple in the world. The guy lacked any sign of face stubble and the girl’s hair was perfect…straight out of a Pantene commercial. EVEN THEIR DOGS WERE PERFECT. Not one spot of dirt on them. Hence, we automatically hated/wanted to be them. There were also 6 others there who informed us that our campsite was a 4-hour hike away. This information got all of us in a tissy fit because we wanted to make it there before dark (it was 4pm already). So, we threw on our deathpacks and started moving. Oh, if you were thinking things already sound crappy, well then get ready to go for a swim in the sea of POO.
After walking for 25 minutes, Jeff and I reached a fork in the road. Go straight or go right. We went straight and miraculously figured that Danielle and William had Harry Potter magical powers and would know where we went. UGH! I hate when my psychic powers don’t work. We were more wrong than whoever thought it would be a good idea to make the movie Gigli.
Jeff and I walked for an hour before we realized that we couldn’t even see them on the trail. We waited for ten. Nope. Called out their names. Nothing. Somehow, we found cell phone service and called/texted/e-mailed William. Then, we walked back to the lunch spot in hopes that we would find them there. Zilch.
Day 3. That’s when we found out they were alive. Turns out Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn went TEN MILES down the wrong crap-path, slept on the poo-trail, and only survived because Mother Theresa’s grandchildren found them and helped them escape the jaw of Big Sur (yes, the one I want to punch). When I saw them walking down that mountain I felt so relieved and so sick to my stomach at how traumatized they looked. Shake angry fist at stupid mountain.
The Few Good Memories:
- Jeff (looking at our nails with a pound of dirt under them): This is the opposite of a French Manicure. This is like a poo manicure.
- William playing the butt trombone all the way up the mountain
- Me falling 3 times within an hour
- Jeff using multiple items of clothing for horrible purposes
- The wind quartet
- Danielle’s million nervous questions
- Not camping related but Dominic’s idea for a porn: Hand-jobs on Tractors. Word.
- Jon's calm and collected reaction. Thanks, Dad. :)