You should remember this because you are obsessed with me. For reals. But, in case you don't, here's the link Bee Problem and a brief explanation. I attract bees and due to this Charlie Sheen-esque bad problem homegurl bee lookin like a fool half the time.
I thought this issue could not get any worse than having beehives outside of my window, but apparently it can and it did.
Me: Doin ma thang in the shower. Washin ma hair and obsessively shaving my aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmpits.
You: A bee, checkin me out in the shower.
WHAT?! Yes, there was a bee in my shower. WTF, Bee? Can't a girl getta little bit of privacy? Well, we all know what happened after that. I screamed, the bee buzzed, I ran out of the shower, the bee stayed in, I stubbed my toe, then I aimed the shower head at the bee and yeah. Sorry bee, but my body doesn't want to be sexually assaulted by you.
come on, just let him put in the tip of his stinger.