This one time, in Rome, you know, because I am so worldly and classy and shit like that, I spent two weeks trying to figure out the movie this line is from: "Is anybody out there (echo echo echo)? Can anybody hear me?" I literally spent two weeks SEARCHING 2006 Google (faaar less superior to 2011 Google) trying to find this goddamn line. Surprisingly, my nifty brain dug through the hot mess I have stored up there and found the answer, which is Titanic. I really don't know where I was going with this story. I think it was supposed to be an intro to my Momism, but it doesn't really work, except for the Titanic line. Perhaps I just wanted to brag about my trip to Rome. Yeah that's probably it. Because I am that type of person.
Voicemail on my Cellphone from Mindel:
Lauren, are you there? I am at the store and I have a question about the pearl necklace you want *mind out of gutter*. Laureeeeeeeeeen. Pick up the phone. Caaaaaaaan you hear me? Heeeeeeeeello! Dammit Lauren I know you are there...(to the store clerk) I know she hears me, she just wont pick it up.
Ummm, yeah. I don't know if you know this mom but I cannot hear your message while you are leaving it on my cellphone. No worries. I'll just blog about it.
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