Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Momism: Milk-a-Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

In yogurt shop:

Mindel: There are so many flavors. Ooooh, this Cookies n' Cream sounds good.
Me: Yeah, but it's dairy free.
Mindel: So?
Me: It wont taste the same?
Mindel: Why not?
Me: Because there is no dairy in it.
Mindel: Wait. What does that mean?
Me: Ummmm, dairy is a milk product...
Mindel: Sooooooooooooo?
Me: OH-MUH-GAAAAAWD! It means there is no milk in it!
Mindel: Oh. Well that's just not yogurt. Excuse me sir why do you even call this a yogurt shop?

 I think it cannot get worse. Hah.